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colorado sup championships

During FIBArk weekend we will crown the overall top Man and Woman in the emerging sport of river stand up paddling. Top athletes will compete in three disciplines competing for a cash purse.

rules& regulations
  • All competitors must wear a PFD, helmet and shoes for every event.

  • Leashes: Only releasable leashes allowed. No leashes for SUP Cross.

  • Board Length: 11’ and under for all events.

  • Athletes must wear competitor bibs outside their PFDs at all times.

  • Event organizers and whitewater rescue teams are not responsible for equipment rescue and/or equipment removal from the whitewater course should athletes lose their equipment during practice or competition.


SUP Dual Slalom:

In what has quickly become the most spectator friendly SUP competition on the river, SUP Dual Slalom is head to head racing through gates in the Salida Whitewater Park. Two athletes, each in their own “lane” will race through a series of gates that will test their river running skills.  Each racer will do one run in each lane and combined times will determine the winners.


10-mile Downriver:

For the Downriver race SUP paddlers will tackle downriver action between the Stone Bridge put-in and downtown Salida.

*Colorado SUP Championship athletes do not need to register in individual events

*Individual registration (not competing for SUP Championship) for above events is available here.


Salida, Colorado


As a 501(c)3 educational and charitable organization, FIBArk Community Paddling Center depends on public assistance to offset the yearly costs associated with our classes, events and programs. With your support, FIBArk Community Paddling Center offers our community education and supporting program services. 

Donate with PayPal

P.O. BOX 54

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